University of Regina adds digital peer support to mental health suite and completes stepped care model

U of R provides Togetherall’s clinically moderated, online peer support community for 17,000 students, enhancing alignment with Canadian Standard

We are thrilled to announce that students at University of Regina now have access to a clinically moderated mental health support resource. Through a newly established collaboration withTogetherall, students can engage with a global community of peers, offering and receiving peer support in a safe and anonymous online environment, available 24/7/365. 

Jenny Keller, Ph.D., R.D., Psych, Clinician and Manager of Student Mental Health at the University of Regina (U of R) and her team have worked to put a stepped care model in place when it comes to the mental health and wellbeing of the University’s nearly 17,000 students.  

“A gap, or a missing ‘step’, in our care model is peer support,” Dr. Keller shared. “Peer support options have been considered, but have shown to be incompatible with our mandate, capacity, and resources. An in-person peer support program requires our finite resources to be allocated to essential training, supervision, and oversight, necessary for appropriate risk management.”

Digital peer support, and specifically Togetherall, fit that gap perfectly. The service offers self-help courses and resources, which is another component of the stepped care model. Togetherall’s community is monitored and moderated around-the-clock by real, live, licensed clinicians, meaning it’s a low lift and self-sustaining offering for the University.  

“This [clinical moderation] is very important and one of the reasons Togetherall was selected,” said Dr. Keller. “Users and university-based follow-up care providers are assured of responsive and ethical handling of potential situations of risk.” 

Togetherall’s Chief Clinical Officer, Ben Locke, Ph.D., weighed in on the stepped care approach in saying, 

“Implementing a stepped care model means embracing the ‘no wrong door’ philosophy. This philosophy recognizes the diversity of humans’ help-seeking behavior by providing a diverse range of entry-points (doors) for those seeking help and then ensuring that all the doors connect behind the scenes. Togetherall was intentionally designed for the full range of people seeking help but is an especially good door for those who are hard to reach via traditional services but who may also need assistance connecting to more intensive care.” 

Dr. Keller lastly mentioned, “The service supports student autonomy in finding support ‘at the right time’ and in the preferred format,” which is a hallmark of Togetherall’s service: the member takes control of their own mental health journey.  

Togetherall is thrilled to support University of Regina’s students throughout this school year and beyond and help to complete the last “step” in their stepped care approach. 

About Togetherall 

To date, Togetherall is available to 4.6 million students worldwide at more than 450 colleges and universities.Togetherall is the leading clinically managed, peer-to-peer, online support community where students can share what’s on their minds, anonymously, safely, and in-the-moment, 24/7/365. Students can connect through shared lived experiences with a global network of peers, backed by the safeguarding of real, live, licensed clinicians overseeing the community around-the-clock. These clinicians empower individuals in peer support and foster and maintain a safe, vibrant environment.    

If you are interested in offering safe and scalable ways to support your students’ mental health,contact usto find out moreabout Togetherall’s online community.