Find out more about the features and functionalities on the Togetherall platform, and how to use them.
Click on each question below to expand on the answer.
To begin a search on Togetherall you can select the magnifying glass icon which will bring up a general search of Togetherall. If you type one or more keywords in the search box, a list of related bricks, Talkabouts, and 'Resources' articles will appear.
You can narrow your search further by selecting on one of the three types of content underneath the search bar, depending on whether you are interested in looking at only Resources, Courses, Bricks or Talkabouts. Simply toggle the filters to change the search results.
The Togetherall peer-to-peer community is the main hub of support where individuals share their stories and experiences, engaging in conversations with other members of the community. Our Wall Guides are registered mental health professionals who keep our members safe and help them feel they are not alone. They proactively respond to Togetherall members who are in crisis and provide them with support, which may involve helping them to seek local assistance from their doctor or therapist.
Wall Guides ensures that all comments and images are monitored to ensure that they conform to Togetherall’s House Rules.
You can talk to a Wall Guide at any time by selecting 'Ask a Wall Guide'. This will open a message between you and the Wall Guide. This message will not be public and only you and the Wall Guide will be able to view it.
To find a member with whom you are already friends, simply select the Friends icon (this looks like two people) and find their username. To search for a member on Togetherall who you are not already friends with, you can go to your messages by selecting the speech bubble icon. When you select the ‘Send Message’ button on the left a search box comes up allowing you to search all members on the site by their username. When you select their username it will take you to a message that is being sent to them.
To start a Message with another member:
Groups are shared spaces in the Togetherall community for members to easily identify, connect with, and support other members who share common interests or have similar occupations. They are found at the top of the ‘Community’ Page (available from the menu option on the mobile version of the Togetherall site), on a tab between ‘My posts’ and ‘Starred’. On requesting to join a Group, you must agree to the Group’s principles.
Togetherall is launching Groups as a trial period to verify if our members are truly interested in joining smaller, shared spaces and to see how they impact member engagement in the Togetherall community. The trial period will allow Togetherall to understand what our members need from Groups before we add (or remove) specific Groups.
Based on the success of Groups during the trial period, we will add (or remove) new Groups in the near future based on priority and interest. We are aiming to launch the Groups in the French community within the next few months.
In the meantime, you can send your suggestions for new Groups to:
All members in the community can currently see posts submitted to Groups on the Community Page and possibly on their customized Homepage, regardless of whether they are a Group member. This allows us to generate greater engagement with individual Groups by showing the posts to non-members.
Content created in Groups will be moderated in the same way that the rest of the content within Togetherall is moderated. Wall Guides will have full visibility to content published to Groups, including which Group the content was submitted to. Any content you post in Groups must follow our House Rules, and Group principles as specified on the Group homepage.
To go to your Account settings page, select your Togetherall profile picture /username. You can then select ‘My Account’. On your Account settings page you can change the following information: Email Address, Country, Time zone, Password, Email notification preferences, Consent to share questionnaire results with your healthcare provider, and Responses to our registration questions.
For the following profile management tools, you can ask a Wall Guide for assistance:
Username, Gender, Ethnicity, and Date of birth. To contact the Wall Guides, select the ‘Ask a Wall Guide’ button to send a private message to our Wall Guide Team.
To change my mood: Go to the homepage and select 'How are you feeling today?' and choose one of the mood buttons.
When you join Togetherall as a member, you agree to our Terms of use, which includes the House Rules. Your acceptance of these terms indicates your understanding of these rules and your confirmation that you are at least 16 years of age.
Maintaining House Rules helps us to make sure that Togetherall works well for the entire community. Violation of House Rules will result in a warning or, in some cases, a loss of membership. As a member, you are taking responsibility for your actions and behaviour Togetherall.
The rules foster every member's ability to access Togetherall for support, learning, and recovery in an anonymous and personal manner. It is important to remember that Togetherall is a support for, not a replacement of, your life offline.