Togetherall Talks Podcast speaks to Healthy Minds Network’s Sarah Lipson

May 25 2023
In this podcast, from our series Togetherall Talks, we hear from Sarah Lipson, an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Public Health and the Principal Investigator of the Healthy Minds Network.
Sarah’s passion for student mental health really took root during her Ph.D., where she was able to hear about the issues facing students first-hand while working as Resident Advisor at the University of Michigan.
Since then, Sarah has been committed to driving change at a population level. Through her research, she is building a clear picture of the current landscape of student mental health by collecting national survey data from over 700 institutions and 800,000 students across the United States.
“In order to bridge that treatment gap, we really need interventions that align with the barriers students report, and the barriers that they report are actually not directly related to stigma or knowledge.”
In this episode, Sarah speaks more about her path from public health to student mental health, changing attitudes in higher education, and the key learnings from the Healthy Minds Study.
Listen to the episode below, or you can find the episode on Soundcloud.
This is the fourth episode in the Togetherall Talks series, where our presenter Sam Stone chats with experts, advocates, and her student peers about the benefits of sharing experiences and the power that stigma-free conversations about mental health can have. To listen to the previous episode featuring student advocate Callum Perry, click here.
About the Healthy Minds Network
The Healthy Minds Network (HMN) is one of America’s premier research organizations, contributing to adolescent and young adult mental health. For over 15 years, the network has administered the Healthy Minds Study, examining mental health, service utilization, and related issues among undergraduate and graduate students.
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