We've identified some of the common issues that could prevent you from accessing the Togetherall platform. Click on a question below to expand the answer.
If you have a problem with your account that isn't addressed in our FAQs, please contact our support team - theteam@togetherall.com. Each member is allowed only one identity or account. Please do not attempt to setup more than one account. If you are found to have more than one account, it will be shut down and you risk suspension on the Wall without warning.
To change your password, simply go to the log in page here - https://account.v2.togetherall.com/log-in - and click on the ‘Forgot password?’ option. You will then need to enter your email address. Once you have done this, you should receive an email with a link to change your password.
Despite our best efforts, technological issues can occur at any time. As a result, the site can go down or errors may occur that result in loss of content or images. Please capture these bugs in a full-page screenshot and let us know immediately if you notice anything not working properly or if you have any other concerns not answered by our FAQ's. Email the Togetherall support team at theteam@togetherall.com.
You may be experiencing login issues because your username has been changed by our team of Wall Guides to protect your anonymity. To rule this out please login by using your email address, which you used to register, and double check for spelling errors. You can then use your new username to login in the future.
Our Wall Guides handle all name changes in the Togetherall community, if you log in and use the ‘Ask a Wall Guide’ button in the bottom right corner. They will be happy to change your username to something else which you prefer, if it continues to protect your anonymity.