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Mental health in higher education: Is the crisis narrative getting in our way?

In a recent virtual panel discussion, Ben Locke, Ph.D., Chief Clinical Officer for Togetherall, chairs this latest webinar exploring how the ‘crisis narrative’ is impacting the ability for student counseling centers to effectively support students with their mental health and wellbeing.

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Summary of the discussion

Is the predominant narrative about a crisis in mental health helpful in higher education?

Organizations and influencers are quick to talk about an explosion in mental health issues, but the evidence points to a rather different set of issues – a generation facing natural yet unprecedented concerns, an overreliance on treatments, and an overwhelming demand for solutions and quick-fix interventions. Could it be that the ‘crisis narrative’, which has emerged over the past two decades, is directly impeding our collective efforts to respond effectively?

This webinar explores whether we need to shift our paradigm of thinking and our rhetoric towards a more rounded understanding of the problems faced. The discussion, hosted by knowledgeable leaders of college counseling centers and student health & wellbeing, also features an extensive attendee Q&A section as viewers get engaged with the topic.

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