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New & Existing Member Enquiry

Contact us if you'd like to know more about your Togetherall membership, or are experiencing any difficulties with the platform. If you haven’t joined yet, you can also contact us.

Member contact form

If you are in need of urgent support, please use the information on our crisis page, messages received from this form are not monitored 24/7.

    Frequently asked questions

    Togetherall is not a crisis service, and although we will do our best to support you, we are not best placed to support you in emergency situations. Please use our crisis page here for urgent support information.

    Please note: our customer support inboxes are not monitored 24/7, so there may be a delay in us picking up your email, we aim to respond within two working days.

    When you join Togetherall as a member, you agree to our Terms of use, which includes the House Rules. Your acceptance of these terms indicates your understanding of these rules and your confirmation that you are at least 16 years of age.

    Maintaining House Rules helps us to make sure that Togetherall works well for the entire community. Violation of House Rules will result in a warning or, in some cases, a loss of membership. As a member, you are taking responsibility for your actions and behaviour Togetherall.

    The rules foster every member's ability to access the Wall for support, learning, and recovery in an anonymous and personal manner. It is important to remember that Togetherall is support for, not a replacement of, your life offline.

    Despite our best efforts, technological issues can occur at any time. As a result, the site can go down or errors may occur that result in loss of content or images. Please capture these bugs in a full-page screenshot and let us know immediately if you notice anything not working properly or if you have any other concerns not answered by our FAQs.

    Email the Togetherall support team at

    In order to access your Togetherall account, you will need to verify your email address.

    When you signed up to the Togetherall website we sent a verification link to your contact email from the account: with the subject ‘Complete your registration’.

    You may have to use the search function for your inbox or check your spam folders in case the email has been filtered there. If you cannot find it, you can always have it resent by logging on with your new account details and selecting ‘Resend verification email’. Please take care not to resend the verification email multiple times, as this can sometimes cause issues with the verification process.

    From there, please follow the link that reads ‘Complete registration’ to activate your account. If you have followed these steps but are still unable to log in, please let us know using the form above so that we can help you more from there.

    You may be experiencing difficulty logging in because your username has been changed by our team of Wall Guides to protect your anonymity. To rule this out, please login by using your email address, which you used to register, and double check for spelling errors. If you are still having trouble logging in, you should reset your password. When you log in, you should see the ‘Forgot password?’ button which you can use to reset your password. You will then be able to enter your email. You should then receive an email to your inbox with a link to change your password. You may also have to use the search function on your email account and check your spam or junk folders. Password Reset emails have the subject ‘Reset password request.’ If you have followed these steps but are still unable to log in, please let us know using the form below so that we can advise appropriately.